Celebration Gallery: Keep them Coming 🖼️

The first set of photos have rolled in for our celebration gallery.

Keep sending in photos, paintings, written pieces and video clips from your own plot and let us know what it means to you during lockdown.

Preview of celebration gallery

Catch up on the original invitation…

Call for photos, sketches & stories 📷

We call upon our members and friends to join us in this virtual celebration by sending us pictures, sketches, or stories of your allotment for the rest of this year.

Call for photos, sketches & stories 📷

Allotments have been the source of warmth, humour, kindness and companionship during this difficult period. While many of us continue to tend our plots, others are unable to for various reasons.

To help celebrate gardening and bring a bit of joy to everyone, the GAF Committee is creating a GAF Celebration Gallery on our various online platforms.

We call upon our members and friends to join us in this virtual celebration by sending us pictures, sketches, or stories of your allotment for the rest of this year.

Within this gallery, we would like to create a sub-category of your photos and stories on Glasgow’s Allotments in Lockdown.

Come October, we’ll collect gallery contributions as a round-up of photos and stories for our October Celebration. While we won’t be able to celebrate in person, we’d still like to celebrate our collective joy in gardening with a virtual October celebration.

  • Email photos, sketches, short stories or anything you would like to share about allotmenting and/or gardens (no more than 500 words) to GAFForum@gmail.com. Please include the name of your allotment site and, if comfortable, your name.

Contributions can be carefully composed and edited, or snapped and sent straight from your photo. We’ll then be able to post them to our various online platforms (currently these are this GAF blog, our Facebook Group, and our (new) Instagram account.

Since we won’t be able to hold Open Days this year, it would be nice to have a virtual peek into different allotment sites.

Let’s spread the gardening joy! Please join us with contributions to celebrate our allotments and gardening!

Stay safe and happy gardening,
GAF Committee